Gerardo 'Gerry' Maravilla is a Mexican-American writer/director based in Los Angeles. Born and raised in the San Fernando Valley, he escaped his suburban, Catholic upbringing through punk rock and horror movies.
The bicultural lovechild of Tim Burton and Guillermo Del Toro, Gerardo tells supernatural horror stories with heart.
He’s been a fellow in Film Independent's Project Involve, the New York Film Festival's Artist Academy, Hola Mexico’s Tomorrow's Filmmakers Today, and the Stowe Story Labs.
His work has screened at festivals such as Palm Springs ShortFest, the Los Angeles Latino International Film Festival, the Newport Beach Film Festival, and many others.
He participated in the Cine Qua Non Storylines Lab with his feature script, NIÑO DE VIDRIO (CHILD OF GLASS). The short version won the 2023 Roadmap Writers Short Script Competition.
Maravilla was a Latino Inclusion Fellow where completed his latest short, the surreal drama ENSEÑAME COMO MORIR (SHOW ME HOW TO DIE).
He recently released the first issue of his limited series comic book, The Halloween Club.
Management // Expectation MGT - Mitchell Bendersky
Latino Film Institute - Inclusion Fellow
Film Independent - Project Involve Writing Fellow
Cine Qua Non - Storylines Lab
Hola Mexico Film Festival - Tomorrow’s Filmmakers Today Participant
New York Film Festival - Artist Academy Filmmaking Fellow
Stowe Story Labs - Selected Project & Lab Participant
Roadmap Shorts Competition - Winner
Emerging Screenwriters Genre Competition - Horror Top 10
Killer Shorts - Honorable Mention
Austin Film Festival Script Competition - Second Rounder - Finalist
Script2Comic - Finalist
HorrOrigins - Finalist
ISA Fast Track - Semifinalist (Top 50)
Latino Screenwriting Project - Semifinalist
Screencraft Horror - Semifinalist
WeScreenplay Shorts - Semifinalist
Creative Screenwriting Unique Voices - Quarterfinalist
KillerShorts - Quarterfinalist
WeScreenplay Diverse Voices Lab - Quarterfinalist
Filmmatic Short Screenplay Awards - Quarterfinalist
Atlanta Film Festival Screenplay Competition - Quarterfinalist
Coverfly Pitch Week - Shortlist
Palm Springs ShortsFest
Bogo Shorts
Los Angeles Latino International Film Festival
Newport Beach Film Festival
New York Latino Film Festival
Horror Origins Film Festival
Philadelphia Latino Film Festival
San Francisco Latino Film Festival
Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival
DC Asian Pacific Film Festival
Asians on Film Festival
Micheaux Film Festival
Portland Film Festival
Highland Park Independent Film Festival
San Antonio Film Festival
Raw Film Festival
Connect Film Festival
Short+Sweet Hollywood Film Festival
Film Shortage #DailyShortsPick
We Make Movies International Film Festival
International Film Arts and Hearts Film Festival